Categories: > Aseptic Pulp > Red/Yellow Papaya Concentrate

Red/Yellow Papaya Concentrate

Introducing Naturalzy's Red Papaya Concentrate: meticulously crafted from the finest red papayas sourced from India's prime cultivation regions. Our state-of-the-art processing facility ensures each batch maintains unparalleled freshness, taste, and quality. Through a rigorous process of washing, deseeding, and thermal processing, we achieve commercial sterility while preserving the natural essence of the fruit. Trusted by industry leaders worldwide, our product epitomizes uncompromising quality and reliability. Join the ranks of satisfied customers domestically and internationally, and experience the excellence of Naturalzy's Red Papaya Concentrate.


Attribute Value
TSS (°Brix) Min 24.0
Acidity (%) as CA 0.70-1.20
pH 4.00 - 4.40
Consistency (cm / 30 sec) @ 20°C) 3-7
Black Specks / 10 g NMT5
Brown Specks / 10 g NMT5
Organoleptic Quality Value
Color Bright Red
Flavor Typical Ripened Natural Red Papaya Flavor
Taste Characteristic of Sound Matured, Ripened Red Papaya Taste
Appearance Smooth, Uniform, Homogenous & Free Flowing
Microbiological Quality Value
Total Plate Count (cfu / g) <10
Yeast & Molds (cfu / g) <10
Coliforms (cfu / g) Absent
E.coli (cfu / g) Absent
Salmonella (cfu / 25 g) Absent
Packaging & Shelf Life Value
Storage Ambient
Shelf Life @ Ambient 18
Preferred Storage (+4 to +20°C) +4 to +20°C
Shelf Life @ (+4 to +20°C) 24
Pack Size 220
Additives & Preservatives None
Allergens & GMO None
Quality Standards HACCP, GMP, QMS, USFDA, FSSC 20000, Kosher, Halal & Organic
Pesticide Residues, Heavy Metals & Mycotoxins Compliance As per EU / AIJN & FSSR
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