Categories: > Aseptic Pulp > White Guava Pulp/Puree

White Guava Pulp/Puree

Delight in the essence of White Guava with Naturalzy's premium White Guava Pulp. Sourced from prime guava-growing regions, our pulp maintains the fruit's intense flavor and freshness. Our White Guava Pulp is a testament to purity and freshness, maintaining the fruit's intense flavor and natural goodness through meticulous pulping, refining, and hygienic packaging processes. Rich in flavor, texture, and freshness, our pulp is a culinary delight, perfect for pastries and a myriad of delicious recipes. Widely embraced by the food industry, our pulp elevates juices, beverages, jams, and more. Trust Naturalzy for unmatched taste and quality, favored by leading brands globally.


Attribute Value
TSS (°Brix) Min 9.0
Acidity (%) as CA 0.40-0.70
pH 3.50 - 4.00
Consistency (cm / 30 sec) @ 20°C) 8-12
Black Specks / 10 g NMT5
Brown Specks / 10 g NMT5
Organoleptic Quality Value
Color Creamy White
Flavor Typical Ripened White Guava Flavor
Taste Characteristic of Sound Matured, Ripened White Guava Taste
Appearance Smooth, Uniform, Homogenous & Free Flowing
Microbiological Quality Value
Total Plate Count (cfu / g) <10
Yeast & Molds (cfu / g) <10
Coliforms (cfu / g) Absent
E.coli (cfu / g) Absent
Salmonella (cfu / 25 g) Absent
Packaging & Shelf Life Value
Storage Ambient
Shelf Life @ Ambient 18
Preferred Storage (+4 to +20°C) +4 to +20°C
Shelf Life @ (+4 to +20°C) 24
Pack Size 210
Additives & Preservatives None
Allergens & GMO None
Quality Standards HACCP, GMP, QMS, USFDA, FSSC 20000, Kosher, Halal & Organic
Pesticide Residues, Heavy Metals & Mycotoxins Compliance As per EU / AIJN & FSSR
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