Categories: > Frozen Fruits & Vegetables > IQF Jalapeno

IQF Jalapeno

Indulge in the zesty allure of Jalapenos, the medium-sized chili pepper pods renowned for their solid, palatable green flesh. At Naturalzy, we pride ourselves on delivering top-notch Jalapenos that excel in taste, flavor, and quality. Handpicked at peak ripeness, only the most vibrant and freshly harvested Jalapenos make the cut. After careful washing and drying, they're sliced into bite-sized chunks and individually quick frozen (IQF) to preserve their freshness. Naturalzy's IQF Jalapenos are versatile ingredients suitable for a wide range of manufacturing and food service industries. They can be utilized to create an array of diverse products, adding a spicy kick and distinctive flavor to any creation.


Attribute Value
Color Variation <2% w/w
Pencil Scarring <2% w/w
Over/Under Size <10% w/w
Length 30mm - 140mm
Diameter 15-30 mm
Foreign Matter Nil
Extrageneous Vegetable <1/kg
Storage & Transportation In cold rooms & refrigerated containers maintained at-18°C
Shelf Life 24 Months from date of manufacturing at-18°C
Packing Type As per requirement: HDPE bag with liner or Corrugated box with liner
Sensory Analysis Value
Color Fairly bright dark green/red but may be slightly non-uniform
Appearance Frozen
Flavor characteristic Jalapeno pepper flavor
Texture Fairly uniform, flesh may be slightly soft, with a slightly
Microbiological Analysis Value
Aerobic plate count 100000/gm
Total Coliforms 100/gm
E.Coli Absent / 25gms
Yeast & Mounds 100/gm
Staphylococcus Aureus Absent / 25gms
Salmonella Absent / 25gms
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