Categories: > Frozen Fruits & Vegetables > IQF Strawberry

IQF Strawberry

Our IQF Strawberry Whole/Dices offer a pure taste of nature's bounty, crafted from 100% natural, antioxidant-rich strawberries bursting with vitamin C and fiber, and free from added sugars, colors, or preservatives. Utilizing cutting-edge quick-freezing technology, we lock in their freshness and nutritional value, ensuring an extended shelf life without compromising quality. Every batch undergoes rigorous processing in state-of-the-art facilities, adhering to strict quality control regulations. This commitment guarantees that you receive a product of the highest standard, prioritizing food safety and backed by certifications from globally recognized bodies. Trust Naturalzy for premium IQF Strawberry Whole/Dices that elevate your culinary creations with unrivaled freshness and flavor.


Attribute Value
Product Size 15-35 mm
Clumps <5%
Calyx or stalk pieces <3%
Brix >7
Extrageneous Vegetable Nil
Foreign Matter Nil
Storage & Transportation In cold rooms & refrigerated containers 0 maintained at-18 C
Shelf Life 24 Months from date of manufacturing at-18°C
Packing Type As per requirement
Sensory Analysis Value
Color Uniform bright red to deep red.
Flavor Natural, characteristic flavor
Texture Uniform soft
Appearance Typical, free from defects.
Microbiological Analysis Value
Aerobic plate count 400000/gm
Total Coliforms 100/gm
E.Coli Absent / 25gms
Yeast & Mounds 100/gm
Staphylococcus Aureus Absent / 25gms
Salmonella Absent / 25gms
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