Categories: > Aseptic Pulp > Totapuri Mango Concentrate

Totapuri Mango Concentrate

Indulge in the essence of Totapuri mangoes with our premium Totapuri Mango Puree Concentrate, meticulously crafted from ripe and luscious fruit. While Totapuri Mango Pulp/Puree holds its own charm, our concentrate offers distinct advantages. Through careful evaporation, we heighten the Brix value, reducing packaging and logistics costs without compromising on quality. At Naturalzy, a trusted name in Totapuri mango concentrate production, we pride ourselves on delivering excellence. From domestic markets to global frontiers, our high-quality puree concentrate stands as a testament to our commitment to superior taste and purity. Experience the difference with Naturalzy.


Attribute Value
TSS (°Brix) Min 28.0
Acidity (%) as CA 0.70-1.20
pH 3.50 - 4.00
Consistency (cm / 30 sec) @ 20°C) 3-7
Black Specks / 10 g NMT5
Brown Specks / 10 g NMT5
Organoleptic Quality Value
Color Bright Yellow
Flavor Typical Ripened Totapuri Mango Flavor
Taste Characteristic of Sound Matured, Ripened Totapuri Mango Taste
Appearance Smooth, Uniform, Homogenous & Free Flowing
Microbiological Quality Value
Total Plate Count (cfu / g) <10
Yeast & Molds (cfu / g) <10
Coliforms (cfu / g) Absent
E.coli (cfu / g) Absent
Salmonella (cfu / 25 g) Absent
Packaging & Shelf Life Value
Storage Ambient
Shelf Life @ Ambient 18
Preferred Storage (+4 to +20°C) +4 to +20°C
Shelf Life @ (+4 to +20°C) 24
Pack Size 228
Additives & Preservatives None
Allergens & GMO None
Quality Standards HACCP, GMP, QMS, USFDA, FSSC 20000, Kosher, Halal & Organic
Pesticide Residues, Heavy Metals & Mycotoxins Compliance As per EU / AIJN & FSSR
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