Categories: > Aseptic Pulp > White Guava Concentrate

White Guava Concentrate

Experience the exquisite essence of White Guava with our premium White Guava Concentrate, meticulously crafted from the finest, handpicked fruits. Sourced from tropical regions across India, including Maharashtra, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, and Uttar Pradesh. Our concentrate upholds the highest quality standards, ensuring pure, creamy texture and irresistible sweetness. Originating from South America, this fruit has captivated palates worldwide, with India emerging as a leading global producer. At Naturalzy, renowned for our impeccable reputation and commitment to excellence, we cater to discerning clients globally, delivering unmatched quality and flavor. Elevate your beverage offerings with the unparalleled aroma and sweetness of our White Guava Concentrate.


Attribute Value
TSS (°Brix) Min 20.0
Acidity (%) as CA 0.70-1.00
pH 3.50-4.00
Consistency (cm / 30 sec) @ 20°C) 3-6
Black Specks / 10 g NMT5
Brown Specks / 10 g NMT5
Organoleptic Quality Value
Color Creamy White
Flavor Typical Ripened White Guava Flavor
Taste Characteristic of Sound Matured, Ripened White Guava Taste
Appearance Smooth, Uniform, Homogenous & Free Flowing
Microbiological Quality Value
Total Plate Count (cfu / g) <10
Yeast & Molds (cfu / g) <10
Coliforms (cfu / g) Absent
E.coli (cfu / g) Absent
Salmonella (cfu / 25 g) Absent
Packaging & Shelf Life Value
Storage Ambient
Shelf Life @ Ambient 18
Preferred Storage (+4 to +20°C) +4 to +20°C
Shelf Life @ (+4 to +20°C) 24
Pack Size 220
Additives & Preservatives None
Allergens & GMO None
Quality Standards HACCP, GMP, QMS, USFDA, FSSC 20000, Kosher, Halal & Organic
Pesticide Residues, Heavy Metals & Mycotoxins Compliance As per EU / AIJN & FSSR
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